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What are some of the drawbacks of owning a franchise?

In exchange for the security, training, and marketing power of the franchise trademark,you must be able and willing to give up some of your independence. If you are a person wholikes to make most decisions on your own or to chart the course of your business alone, afranchise may not be right for you. As a franchise owner, you must comply with the variouscontrols and procedures established by the franchisor. Then, too, all successful businessesrequire a lot of dedication and plain, hard work. You must be prepared to make that commitment.
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Feb 20, 2011
Word count: 91 · Read time: 1 mins
In exchange for the security, training, and marketing power of the franchise trademark,you must be able and willing to give up some of your independence. If you are a person wholikes to make most decisions on your own or to chart the course of your business alone, afranchise may not be right for you. As a franchise owner, you must comply with the variouscontrols and procedures established by the franchisor. Then, too, all successful businessesrequire a lot of dedication and plain, hard work. You must be prepared to make that commitment.

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