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Home Helpers and Veterans Express Helping Spread the Word About Little-Known Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit

In an attempt to spread the word about the Aid and Attendance Benefit to the population who needs it most, Ohio-based Home Helpers, an in-home, non-medical care provider, and California-based Veterans Express, a free service to help elderly veterans through the complex VA application process, have recently joined forces to offer Webinars to educate Home Helpers franchise owners about the Aid and Attendance benefit.
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Feb 20, 2011
Word count: 853 · Read time: 5 mins

Home Helpers and Veterans Express Helping Spread the Word About Little-Known Veteran’s Aid and Attendance Benefit

In an attempt to spread the word about the Aid and Attendance Benefit to the population who needs it most, Ohio-based Home Helpers, an in-home, non-medical care provider, and California-based Veterans Express, a free service to help elderly veterans through the complex VA application process, have recently joined forces to offer Webinars to educate Home Helpers franchise owners about the Aid and Attendance benefit.

Did you know… there are more than two million veterans and veteran’s spouses who may be eligible for as much as $22 billion a year in pension from the United States government?

These are mostly yesterday’s heroes, veterans from World War II, the Korean War and Viet Nam. And sadly, most of these veterans don’t even know such a pension exists. Offered by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), the Veterans Pension Aid and Attendance Benefit is largely unknown among the people who need it most. In fact, of all those likely eligible, roughly 36 percent of vets and survivors receive money. Even the VA concedes this is one its most underused benefits.

What is the Aid and Attendance Benefit?

The Aid and Attendance Benefit offers a monthly payment to provide care for people who are disabled or frail and might have trouble living on their own. This is a pension benefit and is not dependent upon service-related injuries for compensation. However, veterans must have served one day during an active war, with no less than 90 days in service and honorably discharged. Veterans are eligible for up to $1,744 per month, while a surviving spouse is eligible for up to $945 a month.

If a veteran is already receiving a disability check each month from the VA, they are not eligible for the Aid and Attendance Benefit. However, veterans who receive monthly service pensions are eligible for Aid and Attendance. Also, you don't need to be destitute to qualify for this assistance, eligibility is determined as follows - income + medical expenses + net worth (this doesn’t include house and car). For many vets and their families, this money is a Godsend because it greatly eases the financial burden of in-home care and assisted living.

Why it’s so important to educate care providers about Aid and Attendance

A recent survey conducted by ElderCare link confirmed that 65 percent of clients being served by of assisted living facilities and home care providers are veterans. It only makes sense to educate these providers about this important benefit that can assist veterans and their spouses in paying for these types of much needed services.

“These brave men and women have served our country and now it’s time for us to serve them,” said Emma Dickison, president of Home Helpers. “It’s an honor for us to provide our veterans with a service that can greatly improve the quality of their lives and also allow them to age with dignity in their own homes.

Melissa Delieto, president of Veterans Express, says the long application process involved in getting VA approval for the Aid and Attendance benefit is both confusing and frustrating for many veterans and their spouses. “Helping veterans is my passion,” said Delieto. “My company receives 50-60 calls a week from vets and their families who are trying to learn how to access this benefit. In the three and a half years my company has been in existence, it has helped 3,500 families.”

Living Proof

Sam Sellers, a retired United States Army veteran and owner of a Home Helpers franchise in Little Rock, Arkansas who agrees that veterans need to become much more aware of the Aid and Attendance Benefit. Sellers himself has been instrumental in helping his clients to receive their VA benefits. One of those clients is a WWII air force veteran who proudly fought in the Battle of the Bulge. “My Home Helper’s caregivers help both he and his wife (who has Alzheimer’s disease) with mobility and personal hygiene issues,” explained Sellers. “His niece told me that since we started coming to his home, he’s become a new man. He no longer worries about having to move to an assisted living facility.”

Mike Sterns, president of the Las Vegas Paralyzed/Disabled Veterans of America, is a combat injured Viet Nam veteran who arranged to have a local Home Helpers franchise owner speak to his group. “Home Helpers has been a blessing to my wife and me,” said Sterns. “There are a lot of vets who could greatly benefit from in-home care services, but simply cannot afford the cost.”

Home Helpers is committed to making life easier for their clients by providing an unsurpassed level of non-medical and personal care. Established in 1997, Home Helpers was recently ranked 'Top 10 Franchise' by Inc. and the #1 Senior Care Franchise and 'Best of the Best' by Entrepreneur magazine for the third straight year based on information including size, growth and franchisee support. Home Helpers franchises are independently owned and operated in more than 500 markets across North America. Home Helpers is affiliated with Direct Link® In-home Emergency Monitoring. Home Helpers was founded and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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