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A New Way of Stopping Drunk Drivers ??? Before they Even Leave the Bar

Everyone knows that driving while under the influence is a bad idea. People regularly wind up hurt or dead because somebody had the bright idea of driving home after a few ??? or more than a few - drinks
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Jul 12, 2011
Word count: 492 · Read time: 3 mins

A New Way of Stopping Drunk Drivers – Before they Even Leave the Bar

Published July 12, 2011 | By Alco Buddy

Everyone knows that driving while under the influence is a bad idea. People regularly wind up
hurt or dead because somebody had the bright idea of driving home after a few — or more than a few -
- drinks; sometimes it’s like you can’t turn around or even blink without a new headline staring at you
from the newspaper or computer screen: “THREE DEAD IN CRASH; SUSPECTED DUI.”

Legislation been enacted over it, punishing people who get behind the wheel when they’ve had
a few too many and then are subsequently caught. Social activism organisations like MADD (Mothers
Against Drunk Driving) turn the act into a social as well as legal wrong and crusade for preventative
education. Many kids know that driving while intoxicated is a Bad Thing long before driving — and,
hopefully, drinking — is ever a real consideration in their minds. Despite all of these things, despite
everyone’s best efforts, drunk driving is still a huge problem.

But there is one path very few people have trodden, and it has to do with a little device called
a breathalyzer. Breathalyzers are standard issue for law enforcement, and are what provide probable
cause for arrests in a majority of arrests in DUIs that don’t cause — possibly fatal — accidents. They’re
simple to use and extremely accurate, but, outside the justice system, you’d be very hard pressed to
even prove they exist.

The Alcobuddy aims to change all of that. The Alcobuddy is a breathalyzer machine that is
meant to be installed in barrooms and other venues that serve alcohol, so that the common bar patron
has access to the knowledge that could wind up saving their own life or the lives of others. It is intended
to be mounted at eye level and is attractive and attention-getting in its design, piquing the curiosity of
Average Joe or Jane — which is, of course, the very first step to getting them to use it. Once that has
happened, the digital video screen can step in to guide the patron through the rest of the process of
testing their blood alcohol content. It is accurate within .01 of one’s actual levels, making it the most
accurate in the business.

For the owner of an Alcobuddy there are also plenty of benefits. The Alcobuddy is extremely
adaptable, and all of its customizable features are controlled by nine easily-accessible switches inside
the Alcobuddy. It can be adapted for many different languages and currencies, and the owner can set
how many bills or coins are accepted per use. One can also order an Alcobuddy equipped to handle
credit cards – given the rising prices of alcoholic beverages, most patrons probably won’t bother with

Convinced? Unconvinced? Check out the Alcobuddy’s website at for
more information, including testimonials from people who’ve bought or used the machine.

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