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Why should I be concerned whether a company is a member of the international franchise association?

Companies that belong to IFA must meet certain membership requirements. They must have asatisfactory financial condition and comply with all applicable franchise laws. In addition,all members must agree to abide by the Code of Ethics. IFA members are kept abreast of everychange in franchising laws. IFA provides continuing educational programs for members on howto conduct their businesses. They receive the latest information about topics such as improvingrelationships with franchisees, use of technology, public relations, marketing, advertising,field operations, networking and things a company with an eye to the future must know andimplement to compete in the marketplace. IFA members are committed to the future . . . tolearning . . . to succeeding.
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Feb 20, 2011
Word count: 112 · Read time: 1 mins
Companies that belong to IFA must meet certain membership requirements. They must have asatisfactory financial condition and comply with all applicable franchise laws. In addition,all members must agree to abide by the Code of Ethics. IFA members are kept abreast of everychange in franchising laws. IFA provides continuing educational programs for members on howto conduct their businesses. They receive the latest information about topics such as improvingrelationships with franchisees, use of technology, public relations, marketing, advertising,field operations, networking and things a company with an eye to the future must know andimplement to compete in the marketplace. IFA members are committed to the future . . . tolearning . . . to succeeding.

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