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Parker-Anderson Enrichment Has a NEW Franchisee!

Parker-Anderson Enrichment Has a NEW Franchisee!
Image for Erin Cahill
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Jun 23, 2016
Word count: 112 · Read time: 1 mins

Parker-Anderson Enrichment Has a NEW Franchisee!

Welcome Lakeshia Dixon of Atlanta, Georgia. We are happy to have you with us.

Good News! We have a new member to the Parker-Anderson Family.

Lakeshia comes to us with a full background in education; a mother of three, Principal of a highly rated private school in Atlanta, and wife to a brilliant math instructor. She brings full knowledge of the education arena and its culture to bear on her franchise.

Parker-Anderson Enrichment couldn’t hope for someone more suited than this.

We are looking forward to working with her and bringing after school enrichment to the children of Atlanta!

Welcome ABOARD!

Source: Parker-Anderson Enrichment

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