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St. Jude Teams Up With Sports Image

Sports Image is thrilled to unveil a brand new scoreboard for St. Jude Parish in Ohio. Thanks to the support of the local sponsors, Sports Image was successfully able to purchase the board for the Parish for their upcoming football events. We are happy to have been part of a great project and we love how nicely the football scoreboard turned out!
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Jun 13, 2012
Word count: 68 · Read time: 1 mins

St. Jude Teams Up With Sports Image

Sports Image® is thrilled to unveil a brand new scoreboard for St. Jude Parish in Ohio.  Thanks to the support of the local sponsors, Sports Image® was successfully able to purchase the board for the Parish for their upcoming football events.  We are happy to have been part of a great project and we love how nicely the football scoreboard turned out!

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